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Come and choose from our large selection of preloved adults and childrens bicycles - all ready for their next journey!
SATURDAY 1st June- 9:30am-12pm.


Welcome to Cornwall Life Recycle

Your Local Used Bicycle Shop,  Repair Centre and Alternative Provision

Our Mission is

To enhance the well-being of those facing disadvantages.

To provide mentorship and support within a friendly and safe setting.

To facilitate the acquisition of new skills, fostering confidence and self-esteem.

To promote teamwork and collaboration.

To distribute both sold and donated restored bikes back to the community, benefiting all.

At Cornwall Life Recycle, our mission revolves around giving used bicycles a fresh start and providing an alternative environment for young people and adults to thrive and succeed, emphasizing inclusivity and diverse opportunities for personal growth and achievement.


Through bicycle donations from the community, our skilled mechanics meticulously dismantle and rebuild them, ensuring they are as good as new. Our goal is to reduce landfill waste by revitalizing bikes and offering quality, affordable options to our customers. We are deeply passionate about cycling and are dedicated to promoting this eco-friendly and healthy mode of transport.


It's not only bikes that get another chance: we also provide Alternative Provision for young people who may struggle in traditional education. Our goal is to offer a supportive and nurturing environment, collaborating with schools or parents to create tailored programs either on-site within the workshop and/or the school setting, allowing these young individuals to shine and succeed.


Contact us today to discover more about our services and join us in building a greener future together.

Our Partners

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